Friday, July 11, 2008

Thing 5: Flickr

After a long hiatus from 23 things, I've been enjoying my summer of to-do lists and family vacations, I've finally wasted an hour combing through Flickr. Not that I haven't wasted any of my seemingly countless other hours this summer, but I found it slightly agrivating killing an hour looking at photos when I was supposed to be doing school stuff. I did have some ideas for using flickr in the classroom. Students could use it to find theme ideas in their books, or to find groups that might have been created for books. I'll see if any exist before I give that assignment. I enjoyed trying to follow the threads of thinking while I browsed the pictures. A friend is in town for a wedding and so I got wrapped up in the pics from a Jewish wedding. I almost felt like I was invited. Mazeltov!

1 comment:

Cheryl Laucher said...

What if your students find a picture on Flickr, take it over to Flickr Toys and make it into something cool, then put it in a project for you? Like, say, on a country they're studying?