Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Thing #20: YouTube and TeacherTube

I have been using online video in the classroom for a long time. As a former social studies teacher, online video saved my life a couple of times (also ended it on some days when the web wasn't cooperating) and made planning much easier. I remember having to request videos from a catalog and waiting a week or two from ITV to get it. So when United Streaming came along, I jumped on that train. One thing I learned out in Humble ISD last summer was to use MS movie maker to take only the segments that supported your lesson. My former teaching buddy and I downloaded all the videos we usually use and store them on our I drive at school. No more depending on the net.
I searched teacher tube for relevant reading videos, but there's a preponderance of elementary stuff there. I decided to use the Texas History video from UNT. Very cool, so I'll be an advocate for the site. Just hope my embedding works...

1 comment:

Cheryl Laucher said...

You are the king of embedded videos now. :-)

Yeah, it's SO much easier to download, save, and bypass the internet's waxing and waning.